
“I just can’t believe all the things people say, Controversy …”

Today’s writing prompt asks what is the most controversial thing I’ve ever written on my blog.

I strive for honesty in expressing my opinions in my posts, as in life, but always respectfully and always trying to see the other person’s point of view. I have shared my thoughts elsewhere on the web before starting this blog, and I shared one of those posts,, on BlogHer last spring.

At the time, it was a trending topic and as it is something that has affected me in various ways most of my adult life, I felt I should share some of that, with the hopes that maybe it would give people who didn’t understand it well a better glimpse into the ways it can affect a person.

I don’t know how controversial it was, since it was just my own personal thoughts and experiences, but it is probably my most read post in any forum, especially considering it wasn’t featured anywhere and it was my very first post on that particular blog site.

#MicroblogMondays – How About NO?


This was the view from my front door this morning. It’s been s@#*ing (I consider it a 4-letter word of the foulest language before mid December) on and off since Friday, so the world was already white, but today it began in earnest. It’s been a heavy, wet snow that is supposed to turn to rain tonight and then freeze. I’m hoping it doesn’t.

This is more like January weather and we’re not ready, mentally, emotionally, or physically. We’re still trying to accomplish outdoor tasks that must be done to prepare for winter weather that we couldn’t get to with football every Saturday in September and October.

So while it may be pretty (says the people who don’t have to drive in it!), it is much too soon, especially since it felt like summer never really arrived and fall weather in August. You’ll hear me mention it again – more than once. When we have 6 months of winter with no breaks in the dark, gray, and dreary days, I might whine about it a little. But I try to balance it – so the upside is cozy blankets, a mug of tea, curling up with a good book. Just not yet!