On Movies, Stories, and Buried Treasure


Awhile back, I watched Life of Pi. It was beautiful. I believe I had read “visually stunning” and I cannot argue with that. I am sorry that I did not see it on the big screen. Some of the scenes literally had us “oohing” and “aahing.”

What’s interesting to me is that one of my kids was kind of interested in seeing it, one had heard it was about a boy and a tiger and wanted to see it, and one had heard from their friends that it was “long and boring” and not worth seeing, so didn’t really want to see it.

I mentioned that maybe they didn’t care for it because it wasn’t your typical exciting movie, but that did not mean it wasn’t a movie worth watching, a story worth hearing. Some movies have a slower pace and require that you give them a bit more of a chance, a bit more of an investment, but they can surprise you.

After it was finished, they were all glad they had seen it. They all liked it a lot and the one who had heard it was “boring” was glad they had not listened to their friends and had watched it with us.

It wasn’t an action movie. It wasn’t wildly exciting and didn’t have us on the edge of our seats. It required some investment up front to get to know the main character, learning his back story, before we could understand the main part of the story.

The movie really was beautiful to look at, but it also had, I thought, many subtle insights into human behavior, and some subtle lessons, woven throughout. It was well worth the time invested.

And this started me thinking …

Sometimes it is the same with people. There are those who are loud or flashy or charismatic or funny or outgoing (all in a good way) and immediately draw our attention, much like an action movie or a thriller. They draw us in right away.

Then there are those who may be shy, or quiet, or maybe who have been hurt and are a bit more hesitant to engage, or are just a bit different from us, so we either tend to overlook them because they don’t draw our attention, or maybe they are just a bit harder to get to know, for whatever reason.

Those people can take a bit more investment, a bit more persistence, a bit more “work” to get to know them. Some of those people may be written off as “boring” or “not worth the time.”

Take the time. Make the effort.

I often think of people as buried treasure, not unlike a sunken ship or a diamond mine. Some take more time and effort to get to the good stuff, but oh the payoff.

People are treasure and to be treasured. I believe I can learn something from every single person with whom I cross paths. I believe that people matter and that they contain a wealth of good things, i.e., treasure, though often we need to take the time to “dig” for it, as it is not always readily apparent. I like to think of myself as a “treasure hunter” and my treasure is found in people.

You may be surprised at what a treasure people are if you invest a little time, if you give them a chance. They are worth it.

Everyone is.

There is not a person alive who does not have a story to tell.

They might not be the most captivating storyteller. They might not have the most exciting story. Or maybe their story is absolutely stunning, just told in a simple way. Maybe they have a story that you need to hear. It could be a funny anecdote that is just the bit of humor needed to brighten your day. It could be the start of a wonderful friendship. It could be a lesson that is life-changing.

It could be buried treasure.

12 thoughts on “On Movies, Stories, and Buried Treasure

  1. What a beautiful post! I think this is something people need to remember – and most of us are so busy – running in and out of kinda, running down the street to do our errands, watching the news at the gym, or just being completely focused on our phones, that we miss so many opportunities to connect to people… so busy trying to keep up with life, we miss the treasures right in front of us.

    The irony of a world that has never been more connected… but at the same time (arguably) it has never been less so.

    Thanks for contributing to The Sunday Brunch Magazine!

    All the best,


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  2. It is so true that everyone has a story, but not everyone is easy to get to know and hear their story. I know it take me some time to warm up to people, so it may take some time to actually hear my story. I love hearing others stories, and I have learned something from everyone that crosses my path which is neat.


    • Felecia, I agree with all you’ve said here and much of that is what I was trying to convey with this post. I believe I can learn something from every single person I meet, of any age. Thank you for stopping by!


  3. It’s very true, and reminds me of the Proverb that says, “The purposes of a man’s heart are deep waters, but a man of understanding draws them out.”

    I tend to “give my treasures” very freely and easily but I know not everyone is like that, and they require some drawing out.


    • I too give my “treasures” fairly freely and easily, but I have met some people who are very closed off and it takes a lot of effort to get to know them, but it’s usually worth the effort – and sometimes I think they really need to be known.


  4. I love your intentional, thoughtful post here. I love it when people point out the smaller moments and less flashy people/seasons/experiences to be enjoyed. You are so right…we are often drawn toward loud, dynamic, charismatic. And that’s okay, but there’s so much to enjoy about the more subtle, quieter encounters as well. Blessings!


  5. Do you talk to people on trains? I have had some fascinating conversations. People are often pleased to chat, and some open up so that I can get to know them in half an hour. Recently I had the challenge to have a heartfelt conversation in the street! It is worth trying.

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    • Clare, I don’t often find myself on trains. I am very much an introvert and used to be terribly shy, but it has gotten easier for me over the years to strike up a conversation, particularly if I see someone who looks like they are down or hurting – then my empathy overrides my introvertedness because I MUST see if I can help in some way, even if it’s just to listen.

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